Beds: 3
Baths: 2
Sqft: 1,594
Grass Lake Schools
Beds: 3
Baths: 2
Sqft: 2,125
Grass Lake Schools
Beds: 2
Baths: 2
Sqft: 1,312
Jackson Schools
Beds: 2
Baths: 1
Sqft: 904
Vandercook Lake Schools
Beds: 3
Baths: 2
Sqft: 2,195
Ann Arbor Schools
Beds: 3
Baths: 2
Sqft: 2,640
Western Schools
Beds: 2
Baths: 1
Sqft: 1,074
Jackson Schools
Beds: 3
Baths: 1
Sqft: 2,328
Marshall Schools
Beds: 3
Baths: 1
Sqft: 936
Vandercook Lake Schools
Beds: 3
Baths: 1
Sqft: 1,570
Columbia Schools
Beds: 4
Baths: 1
Sqft: 1,725
East Jackson Schools
Beds: 2
Baths: 2
Sqft: 1,813
Jackson Schools
Beds: 5
Baths: 1
Sqft: 1,665
East Jackson Schools
Beds: 2
Baths: 3
Sqft: 2,238
Holt/Dimondale Schools
Beds: 5
Baths: 3
Sqft: 3,437
Western Schools
Beds: 2
Baths: 1
Sqft: 1,574
Jackson Schools
Beds: 3
Baths: 1
Sqft: 1,094
Battle Creek Schools
Beds: 2
Baths: 3
Sqft: 1,908
Jackson Schools
Beds: 4
Baths: 3
Sqft: 2,688
Hanover-Horton Schools
Beds: 5
Baths: 2
Sqft: 3,648
Columbia Schools
Beds: 5
Baths: 2
Sqft: 3,282
Jackson Schools
Beds: 4
Baths: 4
Sqft: 3,237
Michigan Center Schools
Beds: 5
Baths: 3
Sqft: 3,190
North Adams-Jerome Schools
Beds: 3
Baths: 2
Sqft: 1,767
Addison Schools
Beds: 2
Baths: 1
Sqft: 768
Jackson Schools
Beds: 3
Baths: 1
Sqft: 1,522
Jackson Schools
Beds: 2
Baths: 1
Sqft: 794
Jackson Schools
Beds: 3
Baths: 3
Sqft: 1,800
Northwest Schools
Beds: 2
Baths: 1
Sqft: 969
Springport Schools
Beds: 4
Baths: 2
Sqft: 1,898
Adrian Schools
Beds: 3
Baths: 1
Sqft: 1,120
Northwest Schools
Beds: 4
Baths: 3
Sqft: 1,822
Tecumseh Schools
Beds: 2
Baths: 1
Sqft: 851
Jackson Schools
Beds: 3
Baths: 2
Sqft: 2,170
Columbia Schools
Beds: 3
Baths: 3
Sqft: 1,822
Western Schools
Beds: 5
Baths: 2
Sqft: 2,554
Jackson Schools
Beds: 3
Baths: 4
Sqft: 2,300
Columbia Schools
Beds: 3
Baths: 1
Sqft: 1,874
Jackson Schools
Beds: 3
Baths: 1
Sqft: 1,016
Columbia Schools
Beds: 2
Baths: 1
Sqft: 1,203
Napoleon Schools
Beds: 2
Baths: 2
Sqft: 881
Jackson Schools
Beds: 3
Baths: 1
Sqft: 1,120
Vandercook Lake Schools
Beds: 3
Baths: 1
Sqft: 1,337
Jackson Schools
Beds: 4
Baths: 2
Sqft: 1,216
Jonesville Schools
Beds: 3
Baths: 2
Sqft: 2,197
Concord Schools
Beds: 5
Baths: 1
Sqft: 1,376
Jackson Schools
Beds: 3
Baths: 2
Sqft: 1,880
Western Schools
Beds: 3
Baths: 1
Sqft: 996
Marshall Schools
Beds: 3
Baths: 1
Sqft: 1,168
Western Schools
Beds: 3
Baths: 2
Sqft: 1,200
Jackson Schools
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