Beds: 2
Baths: 2
Sqft: 1,296
Western Schools
Beds: 5
Baths: 4
Sqft: 4,670
Jackson Schools
Beds: 3
Baths: 2
Sqft: 2,604
Albion Schools
Beds: 2
Baths: 1
Sqft: 924
Jackson Schools
Beds: 3
Baths: 1
Sqft: 1,324
East Jackson Schools
Beds: 2
Baths: 1
Sqft: 918
Jackson Schools
Beds: 2
Baths: 1
Sqft: 722
Vandercook Lake Schools
Beds: 2
Baths: 1
Sqft: 912
Western Schools
Beds: 3
Baths: 2
Sqft: 1,447
Northwest Schools
Beds: 2
Baths: 1
Sqft: 1,025
Northwest Schools
Beds: 3
Baths: 2
Sqft: 1,431
Northwest Schools
Beds: 3
Baths: 3
Sqft: 2,698
Jackson Schools
Beds: 3
Baths: 2
Sqft: 1,218
Jackson Schools
Beds: 3
Baths: 2
Sqft: 1,196
Western Schools
Beds: 2
Baths: 1
Sqft: 660
Columbia Central Schools
Beds: 3
Baths: 2
Sqft: 1,680
Grass Lake Schools
Beds: 3
Baths: 3
Sqft: 2,236
Jackson Schools
Beds: 4
Baths: 2
Sqft: 1,392
Jackson Schools
Beds: 0
Baths: 0
Sqft: 1,362
Jackson Schools
Beds: 3
Baths: 2
Sqft: 850
Hillsdale Schools
Beds: 2
Baths: 1
Sqft: 1,125
Jackson Schools
Beds: 1
Baths: 1
Sqft: 512
Madison Schools
Beds: 3
Baths: 2
Sqft: 1,584
Lansing Schools
Beds: 4
Baths: 3
Sqft: 3,550
Saline Schools
Beds: 3
Baths: 1
Sqft: 1,166
Jackson Schools
Beds: 3
Baths: 2
Sqft: 1,224
Albion Schools
Beds: 3
Baths: 2
Sqft: 1,519
Jackson Schools
Beds: 3
Baths: 2
Sqft: 1,920
Waldron Area Schools
Beds: 2
Baths: 1
Sqft: 1,070
Chelsea Schools
Beds: 3
Baths: 2
Sqft: 2,360
Onsted Schools
Beds: 3
Baths: 2
Sqft: 2,160
Hanover-Horton Schools
Beds: 2
Baths: 1
Sqft: 1,450
Jackson Schools
Beds: 3
Baths: 3
Sqft: 1,836
Napoleon Schools
Beds: 2
Baths: 1
Sqft: 1,140
Jackson Schools
Beds: 3
Baths: 1
Sqft: 984
Vandercook Lake Schools
Beds: 2
Baths: 1
Sqft: 1,315
East Jackson Schools
Beds: 4
Baths: 3
Sqft: 1,822
Tecumseh Schools
Beds: 4
Baths: 2
Sqft: 2,550
Jackson Schools
Beds: 3
Baths: 2
Sqft: 1,050
Northwest Schools
Beds: 4
Baths: 3
Sqft: 1,822
Michigan Center Schools
Beds: 3
Baths: 2
Sqft: 1,930
Jackson Schools
Beds: 3
Baths: 1
Sqft: 1,976
Northwest Schools
Beds: 5
Baths: 2
Sqft: 2,200
Hillsdale Schools
Beds: 3
Baths: 2
Sqft: 1,596
Western Schools
Beds: 2
Baths: 2
Sqft: 1,698
Plymouth-Canton Schools
Beds: 3
Baths: 2
Sqft: 1,582
Concord Schools
Beds: 2
Baths: 1
Sqft: 990
Jackson Schools
Beds: 2
Baths: 1
Sqft: 782
Jackson Schools
Beds: 3
Baths: 2
Sqft: 864
Northwest Schools
Beds: 3
Baths: 1
Sqft: 2,128
Jackson Schools
Beds: 3
Baths: 1
Sqft: 1,976
Northwest Schools
Beds: 3
Baths: 2
Sqft: 1,930
Jackson Schools
Beds: 5
Baths: 4
Sqft: 5,940
Jackson Schools
Beds: 3
Baths: 2
Sqft: 2,197
Concord Schools
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